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Rekindling the Ancient Seat of Learning

The Path Of The Awenydd

The Anglesey Druid Order's Online Druidry Course

Course Details

Course Type: Online
Number of Sessions: 12
Duration per Session: 3 - 4 hours
Course Fee: £680 (Instalment plan available)
Session Dates:
  • 17th November 2024, 7pm
  • 8th December 2024 7pm
  • 12th January 2025 7pm
  • 9th February 2025 7pm
  • 9th March 2025 7pm
  • 20th April 2025 7pm
  • 11th May 2025 7pm
  • 1st June 2025 7pm
  • 20th July 2025 7pm
  • 17th August 2025 7pm
  • 28th September 2025 7pm
  • 26th October 2025 7pm

Dates subject to change with prior notice

All times are based on local time in London, UK.

Adjust according to your Time zone.

Cross the bridge to a magical island of mystery and magic and join the Anglesey Druid Order’s online course and be part of the magical Druid legacy of Ynys Môn (The Isle of Anglesey). Registration is now open for the commencement of our live online course which begins on Sunday the 22 nd October, 2023.

For nearly two decades the Order’s course has been held exclusively in person; in 2023 the teachings and mysteries of the Order will be available to a global audience for the first time.

Yma o hyd - we are still here.

Ynys Môn, the Isle of Anglesey was chief seat of the ancient British Druids, their influence and power presented immense problems to the invading Romans who sacked the island in 62AD, in an attempt to destroy the Druid stronghold. But, we are still here.

Ynys Môn was considered the holy of holies in the ancestral Druid world, a place that existed as a physical and spiritual location. Physically she is the isle of Druids, the Mother of Wales and Grandmother of the world, she is the Afallon of the heart, spiritually she is an otherworldly island that sings of a mystery that was old when the world was new. The Order’s teaching programme strives to connect you to the island on both levels, enabling you to become a part of the legacy of Ynys Môn, and to take her teachings to inspire your locale and communities.

In joining the Order’s programme you will receive teachings, tools and insights grounded in scholarship, vision, practice and a unique native perspective that will deepen your connection to the Druid mysteries and the unique magic of Ynys Môn as keeper and guardian of wisdom.

Who are we?

The Anglesey Druid Order was established in the year 2000 to rekindle the ancient seat of learning and to develop a Druidry that honours and utilises the various mechanisms that carried the memory of the Druids through time. The Order takes its inspiration from a multitude of sources that include mythology, the tradition of Welsh storytelling, the Welsh Bardic tradition, folk practises, the Morganwgian tradition, and modern influences of Druidry to express and present a system of Druid theory and practise that will connect you to the streams of Awen that flow through this sacred land. In doing so you will become a part of the living tradition of Ynys Môn and her rich tapestry of magic and wisdom.

The expression of our Druidry is polytheistic, animistic, magical and occult as seen through the lens of the Cymraeg (Welsh) Celtic cultural continuum. Our teachings can be applied to your personal spiritual practices regardless of where you are located.

What does the Order offer?

To maintain the oral component of Druidry as much as is humanly possible, the training programme is presented live via the Zoom platform. All sessions are recorded in case you are unable to attend the live classes. The course consists of 12, monthly lessons of between 3 and 4 hours in length, with a break at the half-way mark. In total approx. 48 hours of teachings are presented. At the conclusion of the course you will be invited to a private community for members of the Order to continue and deepen your practise.

12 modules will guide you to an integration of the Druid mysteries through various techniques that include scholarship, philosophy, applied mythology, meditation and inner-journeying, rituals and other tools to foster and/or deepen your Druidic practice.

Subjects covered include but are not limited to:

  • Introduction to Druidry
  • Historical background to Druidry
  • Cultural history of Wales and its relevance to modern Druidry
  • Function and magic of language
  • Introduction to Cymraeg (the Welsh language)
  • The Druidry of the Ynys Môn tradition
  • Being a Druid today
  • The power of mythology
  • The wisdom of the Welsh Bardic tradition
  • The practise of Bardic Magic
  • Journey to discover the 3 mysteries of Druidry
  • Working with the 9 principles of Druidry in the Ynys Môn tradition
  • Discover the gods and goddesses of our tradition
  • Working with and developing relationship with our deities
  • Ritual theory and practise in the Ynys Môn tradition
  • The nature and function of Awen
  • Becoming Awenydd
  • Deconstructing ancient poetry to reveal mystery and meaning
  • Inner journeys to the Celtic Otherworld
  • Historical, magical and cultural relevance of the Mabinogion myths
  • A deep dive into the Four Branches of the Mabinogi
  • How to incorporate mythic principles into your spiritual practices
  • Magical theory and practise in the Ynys Môn tradition
  • Practical Druid magic
  • Creating meaningful devotional practises
  • Fostering a community of Awen inspired individuals

Come and study with the Anglesey Druid Order and help rekindle the ancient seat of learning and return to the heart of the ancestors.

Join the legacy of the Isle of Anglesey.

Course costs just over £56 per lesson for a total of £680 per person for the entire programme and can be paid in regular instalments to suit your budget.

How to Join

  • The Path Of The Awenydd
    The Anglesey Druid Order's Online Druidry Course

    Status: Available
    Price: £680 (Instalment plan available)

    To register your interest please complete the registration form by clicking the button below:

    Register Here

    We will be in touch soon after receiving your registration request.

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